Ice Writes: 1-52! Week 14

This week has been a lot better. I’m in a good mood, most probably because it’s my first day off where I can just sit, relax and write.

It feels great to really get back into the swing of writing. I’m getting back into my novel writing, and have decided to reboot an old one (as if I don’t have enough on my plate).

So, the news. There is the chance of me doing a collab with a fabulous artist friend of mine to turn one of my shorts into a graphic novel. I’m not quite sure where this will end up, if anything will even come of it, but it will be a fun project and of course I’ll keep you guys updated.

I’ve also started working on two novels this week. One, Surviving Tomorrow, and the other, Classic. Surviving Tomorrow has a completed draft which I am going to re-write, changing the PoV from alternating to fixed and refining the story. Classic started from prompts and characters. There is no set story for it yet and I’m looking forward to seeing what the character’s want to do and where they are going.

These stories were resigned to the shelf as I found my voice as a more dystopian/sci-fi writer, so it’s been an experience going back to them and seeing how my voice now affects my writing style for other genres. And, of course, it’s always cringe-worthy going back and reading old work.

1 – 52 Challenge Stats

Week: 14

Completed Stories: 14

Total Word Count: 21, 876 words.

This Week’s Story:

Glitched, Walter 2057

Sci-fi, Horror,

After needing half his body replaced with his father’s cybernetic technology, Walter competes with his “normal” brother for his mother’s affections, but in his determination he corrupts his humanity.

This is the same story as Glitched, Ava 2057, but it’s written from Walter’s perspective and in first person.

Genres: Sci-Fi, Dystopia, Romance, Horror (Gore), Realism, Paranormal

Stories: The Dead Love With Clockwork Hearts, Glitched – Ava 2057, Ticking Out Of Time, Eighty Seven, Bloody Mary, Red, Hope and Heartache, Let the Sun Shine, Memories, Brake, Broken Rainbow, Cooties, Not Quite Late.

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