Ice Blogs: What a hump day!

Wednesdays is usually my day off. In December short staffing at work made me step up and lose my day off, and now there’s been a rota change.  I’m not complaining, honestly. I don’t mind the change, I get a longer weekend now, its just  adjusting to losing my midweek break, and being tired from returning to work after the Christmas break.

I got my Kindle yesterday, with its very lovely case, and because of no laptop battery, I’m doing this post from there, so forgive any formatting issues. Its great. I’ve generally always been against e-readers. There’s nothing wrong with them, but I love real books, and with technology changing at the rate it is, I worry that soon, paper books will stop being a thing. Regardless, I got the fire, and I’ve no complaints so far.

I’m watching the darts at the moment, whilst writing this and working on my words for today. I really love watching the darts. It’s the new year thing in our house. We’ve done it for years, and even before, I remember watching it with my dad over dinner. There’s nothing remarkable about the darts this year (that I’ve seen) but its good background noise for me when I write. And I need background noise. I hate silence. Exams were awful for me.

Enough ramblings for today.

Stay frosty!


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